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Prostitution in South Claremont I-10 Freeway Corridor: A Preliminary Assessment

C/O Futures Illicit Economy Research Note Series Robert J. Bunker and Mae Key-Ketter

29 July 2022

Prostitution in south Claremont, CA along the I-10 freeway corridor and centered around three budget hotels (on both sides of the freeway) is a growing community concern due to its increasing prevalence and overt and emboldened nature. At times, it resembles an ‘open-air sex market’ with prostitutes coming and going with a general air of impunity. Prostitution has long been a malady within the city of Pomona (which lies to the south of Claremont) along an area of Holt Ave (known as the Blade). The prostitution problem in Pomona, however, has now metastasized to the point that south Claremont has also become feral with this activity...


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