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Press Release – MELCHIOR Kick-off Meeting

Alcalá de Henares, Spain

Melchior is a project which aims to improve substantially a novel technology for fast detection of drugs, explosives, weapons and illicit goods concealed on individuals and in critical cavities of the human body based on infrasound mechanical impedance interrogation, optionally complemented with other harmless and non-contact technologies. This project aims to drastically increase the safety of the border staff having to touch inspected individuals. Thus, travelers' experience will improve greatly. Since no contact is needed, individuals do not have to undress and therefore their privacy is respected.

On 7th of September, 2022 the first Kick-off Meeting of MELCHIOR project was held in Alcalá de Henares, Spain. The project was held at the premises of the University of Alcala, one of the oldest universities in Spain. It was a hybrid event, where the majority of the partners attended physically however some joined the discussions remotely.

NOTE-- Dr. Robert J. Bunker, C/O Futures, LLC, Director of Research & Analysis, physically attended the first MELCHIOR Kick-Off Meeting and is providing project support. He is the co-editor of Body Cavity Bombers (TRC 2013) and has an extensive background in counterterrorism research and activities as well as critical cavities weapons and illicit goods smuggling.


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