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Dr. Robert J. Bunker, C/O Futures, director of research and analysis, provided training at the 2024 Annual Army Worldwide Antiterrorism Training Seminar

Dr. Robert J. Bunker, C/O Futures, director of research and analysis, provided training at the 2024 Annual Army Worldwide Antiterrorism Training Seminar in mid-March 2024. This training focused on the ‘Boundaries of Reality’ of the Mid-21st Century Battlefield and was provided to hundreds of US Army personnel globally.

This training is conceptually linked to advanced dimensional space-time constructs first appearing in U.S. Army War College Quarterly: Parameters in the mid-1990s.  A more recent work on this subject matter was published in the book Fifth Dimensional Operations: Space-Time-Cyber Dimensionality in Conflict and War (iUniverse/Terrorism Research Center, 2014).

The updated and cutting-edge training that was provided has been developed over the course of decades as a C/O Futures, LLC area of future war and conflict expertise. It represents a component of Epochal Warfare theory which first appeared in the late 1980s and is meant for applied US governmental (and allied governmental) activities.  

The strategic level focus of C/O Futures, LLC is embodied in our corporate motto: further and protect liberal-democratic values and institutions—both public and private—in the face of the disruptive systemic level change taking place during the transition from the modern to post-modern epochs of human civilization.


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