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C/O Futures Provides Weaponized Drone Threats and Response Training at the Los Angeles HIDTA

On Monday 13 January 2025, C/O Futures provided 8 hour Weaponized Drone Threats: Extremist, Terrorist, and Cartel Overview and Response training at the Los Angeles HIDTA (High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas) facility. Over sixty LE, GOV, and MIL professionals registered for the training which included personnel from the DEA, ATF, FBI, USAF, NAWCWD, CANG, CBP (DHS), ICE (DHS), CHP, LAPD, and OCSD. The training was provided by LtCol Matt Begert, USMC (Ret) and Dr. Robert J. Bunker.

Course Description:

This proactive eight-hour course has been designed to train participants in preparation for the emerging and very real threat of weaponized drone use domestically with the United States. Weaponized drone use has proliferated over the past two decades and with such systems increasingly in the arsenals of terrorist (and extremist) organizations as well as criminal groups (cartels). These deadly devices are also appearing on conventional battlefields such as in Ukraine. Plots and minor incidents have taken place domestically related to these systems with ongoing investigations taking place, however, no major incident (resulting in deaths and/or infrastructure destruction) has to date transpired. The course training is provided via a red team (opposing force; threats) and blue team (allied force; response) perspective by counterterrorism experts. Students are trained by means of classroom power point lectures, short videos/video clips, questions, and answers (Q&A), and short discussion sessions.

Course endorsements included:

• "A unique course that really opended by eyes to how drones could be used as threats." NAWCWD (Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division) Personnel

• "One of a kind course! Recommended as a good baseline course for S/L/Federal

LE & MIL agencies." NAWCWD (Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division)


• "Great training, very knowledgable instructors." LBPD (Long Beach Police

Department) Officer

• "Fantastic coruse! Helpful and informative information." ATF (Alchocol, Tobacco,

Firearms, & Explosives) Personnel

• "I would definitely advise most law enforcement officers take this course." ICE

(Immigrations & Customs Enforcement) Officer

• "Very informative and enlightening." CBP (Customs and Border Protection) Officer

This course is being provided nationally to US LE/MIL via a mobile training team option. For further information on the training contact: or

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