Dr. John P. Sullivan, associate at C/O Futures, gave a video conference briefing on criminal insurgency and crime wars to the Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais (BOPE) of the Polícia Militar do Estado do Rio de Janeiro) (PMERJ) on the afternoon of 4 December 2023. The lecture drew upon the criminal insurgency constuct he had developed and leverages the book he coedited with Dr. Robert J. Bunker, director of research & analysis at C/O Futures, related to criminial insurgencies and governance in Brazil--a Small Wars Journal-El Centro anthology. The work, Competition in Order and Progress, was published in 2022 and is 600 pages in length.
In appreciation of the briefing Dr. Sullivan was provided with a certificate of appreciation by BOPE / PMERJ.
C/O Futures principals and associates have cutting edge subject matter expertise in gang, terrorism, and insurgency studies and the formulation of response/mitigation strategies. Expertise in emergent 21st century insurgency forms, including criminal insurgency, represents one of the many capability sets this stategic consultancy possesses. We contract to US and allied governments (and related security focused entities) to "further and protect protect liberal-democratic values and institutions—both public and private."
For more on emergent insurgency forms refer to: Old and New Insurgency Forms
(USAWC SSI, 2016)